ATS Friendly Resumes
LinkedIn Profile Makeovers
Interview Prep Coaching
Job Search Strategies

top resume writing services

Tired of sending out resume after resume with little or no response?

Know you should be on LinkedIn but don’t have a clue where to start?

Feeling stuck in your current position and just need OUT?

I hear you loud and clear. I can HELP!

rewrite your resume
rewrite your resume

Where are my Jobseekers? 

I’ve been in your shoes more than I care to admit. I am painfully aware of how long and frustrating the job search process can be.  

The good news? There ARE strategies to speed up the process. There ARE things you can do to take charge of your job search and make it as painless and productive as possible.

My first piece of advice? Work with a Certified Resume Writer.


rewrite your resume

Ace the Interview

Discover 30+ Questions to Ask During Your Interview

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Here’s What to Expect…

  • Email us your current resume and schedule your consultation. Your resume will be discussed, along with your career needs and target role.

  • Choose which services or package you are interested in. Sign contract and submit payment.

  • Complete and submit onboarding questionnaire to give us an in-depth look at your experience, skills, and accomplishments.

  • We will develop your initial draft and send you a Sneak Peek so you can see the transformation in real-time.

  • Provide any edits/revisions back to your writer within 5 business days.

  • Once approved, your resume will be delivered in an editable Word document. It’s time to CELEBRATE! 🥳

*Typical turnaround time is 7-10 business days, based on client response and current work load. We always strive to deliver your career documents sooner. This is an important process — we prefer not to rush!

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  • "I was at an interview last week and the hiring manager stated she had never seen such a well written resume. Since then I have had two offers, one being a six-figure offer. I cannot thank you enough."

    Audie T

  • "Best resume service experience I've had in 10 years...Kristi provided personalized service vs treating the job like a number. Video explanations were so helpful!"

    Charlene S.

  • "Kristi exceeded my expectations. She took my resume of 30 years and two jobs and developed a marketing tool to promote my talents. Along with highlighting my core competencies to navigate through the ATS, she took time to learn and understand my experience. Highly recommend."

    – Todd Van Galen

Let’s Connect

Kristi Meenan Cline | Certified Resume Writer | Owner, We Write it Now Resumes, LLC.